marry me是什么意思?

佳姻网 2023-05-11 08:38 编辑:admin 291阅读

marry me是什么意思?

marry me的中文翻译是跟我结婚。

marry me

[ˈmæri mi]


1. I was under the delusion that he intended to marry me.


2. I'll get her to marry me, by hook or by crook.


3. I want you for my wife; will you marry me?

我希望你做我的妻子, 你愿意和我结婚 吗 ?

4. If only she could marry me!


5. If you marry me, you'll have to go hungry.

你嫁了我要挨饿的. ”

6. Well? Does that mean you'll marry me?

噢? 你的意思是你答应嫁给我了?





The wedding of west belongs to a romantic type, the whole wedding from started ending to be filled with romantic breathing.The bride's demitoilet is generally a white, the bridegroom is a black demitoilet, making the whole wedding show of modesty serious.Going to church to hold a matrimony rites is the whole link with the most important wedding.First, along with the rhythm of wedding march, the bride 挽's her father's hand walks to bridegroom's in front, is handed over she to bridegroom's handed personally by her father.The pastor will request a bridegroom a bride to make a lifetime to the other party of commitment, this is also the whole high tide of wedding.Then they will exchange a wedding ring to kiss the other party also under the pastor and the public wish.And the bouquet in the bride's hand be not a general adornment thing either.When the wedding end, the bride will throw to be present of female guest, if who receive bouquet, who is the person of next matrimony, this makes the whole wedding end in the 欢 voice the joke.

The wedding of China differs from west, the main tone of the whole wedding is red, this is also Chinese represent pleased spirit traditionally of color.This pleased spirit ocean ocean that also make the wedding change.In the traditional wedding, the bride wears red generally dress, wear bride's headdress, the top still has a piece of and red silk kerchief.But the bridegroom wear red long gown jacket, wearing red to follow a hat greatly.The bride multiplies by red hibiscus 轿 at after, the bridegroom rides a horse ahead, along with red 娘 with send a party to escort the bride to the groom's home the troops do obeisance a hall to bridegroom's in home.The both parties' parent sits at last, but bridegroom bride at next marry.The whole wedding is managed by the master of ceremony, under his conductor, bridegroom once the bride do obeisance world, bowing low a high hall, then the husband and wife send into nuptial chamber towards doing obeisance,.Making the nuptial chamber is the high tide of wedding, the bride returns to nuptial chamber etc. first