
佳姻网 2023-05-11 10:36 编辑:admin 196阅读


述说一名中国女孩和一名新西兰小伙之间“被禁止的爱”。这部电影以Roseanne Liang自己的亲身经历为基础。她的爱情经历也曾是她在2005年创作的纪录片Banana in a Nutsell中的主题。描写Kiwi男爱上中国女的异国爱情喜剧,这是一场介于新西兰“罗密欧”与中国“朱丽叶”的爱情故事。《我的婚礼和其它秘密》是一部关于这对年轻人之间喜怒哀乐的爱情喜剧。片中男女主人公James和Emliy说服了Emliy的父母对“洋女婿”的偏见,最终喜结连理,圆满收场。




The film shows the audience the eyes of the Greek culture in the United States can be very fresh. However, a Chinese person appears on any of these things, like talking about the ordinary life of their own. Why there could be two very different civilizations such a tacit agreement, which is to allow the author to the unexpected. Greeks huge family life to pay attention to imperial clan, the door ethnic Chinese people familiar. No matter the size of the family who Madhi battle, woe cohesion and consistency in external exclusive Chinese people and will not unfamiliar. The most interesting is that in the attitude towards marriage is similar to the two peoples. Film actress Torah's marriage was the reason why the parents resisted, not only because the family because he had violated a pledge (to marry a Greek; Health and a group of Greek children; and then feed everyone until the end of life), deeper level because it is the Torah's own choice, she did not advance to seek the views of the family. From this we can see that marriage in the eyes of the Greeks not only individual behavior, it is at least responsible for the rise and fall between the two families and affects the interests of the arrested people belong to the letter of the collective behavior. This is our Chinese tradition of combining two names a good thing, on the basis of our ancestral temple, and next in order following the funeral also similar to what the mating idea. Respect for the personality of this American philosophy of life may only cast a curious and puzzled eyes, but you will never know that time spent living together the wisdom of actually casting can also find a variety of very different civilizations to different versions of the Notes.